Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Göksu Deltası Kıyı Boyu Sediman Taşınımının Modellenmesi

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları VIII. Ulusal Konferansı, ANTAKYA, Türkiye, 14 - 17 Kasım 2012, cilt.2, ss.1053-1060

HYDROTAM-3D Sayısal Modeli ile Türkiye’de Dalga İklimi Çalışmaları

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları VIII. Ulusal Konferansı, ANTAKYA, Türkiye, 14 - 17 Kasım 2012, cilt.2, ss.925-936

HYDROTAM: 3D model for hydrodynamic and transport processes in coastal waters

iEMSs 2012 - Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Leipzig, Almanya, 1 - 05 Temmuz 2012

A sustainable method of effluent disposal: Case study of Antalya Sea Outfall-Turkey

2011 35th WEDC International Conference - The Future of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Low-Income Countries: Innovation, Adaptation and Engagement in a Changing World, Loughborough, İngiltere, 6 - 08 Temmuz 2011 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

HYDROTAM: A Coastal Engineering Model Based on Cloud Computing

10th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Rhodes, Yunanistan, 25 - 29 Ekim 2011, ss.663-664 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

Modelling of Marina Forced Flushing

5th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology/4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Geology and Seismology, Cambridge, Kanada, 23 - 25 Şubat 2010, ss.78-79 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Numerical Modelling of Oil Spill

5th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology/4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Geology and Seismology, Cambridge, Kanada, 23 - 25 Şubat 2010, ss.62-63 identifier

İnşaat Mühendisliği Eğitiminde Sürdürülebilir Gelişim Kavramı

İnşaat Mühendisliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Türkiye, 12 - 18 Kasım 2009

Modeling of Oil Spill

9th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 09), Sochi, Rusya, 10 - 14 Kasım 2009, ss.875-886

Mild Slope Equations in Wave Propagation Modelling

9th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Sochi, Rusya, 10 - 14 Kasım 2009, ss.733-737 identifier identifier

Wind Driven Currents and Pollution Distributions around Sea Outfall in Antalya Bay

2nd International Conference on Maritime and Naval Science and Engineering (MN '09), Brasov, Romanya, 24 - 26 Eylül 2009, ss.25-30 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

Numerical Modeling of Extended Mild Slope Equation with Mac Cormack Method

4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Cambridge, Kanada, 24 - 26 Şubat 2009, ss.195-196 identifier

Modelling of Oil Spill

9th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Sochi, Rusya, 10 - 14 Kasım 2009, ss.875-877 identifier identifier

Wave Transformation Simulation: A Case Study Mersin Bay

8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, (ACE08), FAMAGUSTA, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 15 - 17 Eylül 2008, cilt.1, ss.351-358

Parabolik Dalga İlerlemesi Sayısal Modelinin İzmit Kıyısına Uygulanması

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları VII. Ulusal Konferansı, Ankara, Türkiye, 27 - 30 Mayıs 2008, cilt.2, ss.891-898

Numerical modeling of extended mild slope equation with finite volume method

Applied Computing Conference 2008, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27 - 30 Mayıs 2008, ss.222-224 identifier

Longshore Sediment Transport Modelling: An Application Ordu

8th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 07), İSKENDERİYE, Mısır, 13 - 17 Kasım 2007, cilt.2, ss.1075-1084

A composite finite element-finite difference model applied to turbulence modelling

7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), Beijing, Çin, 27 - 30 Mayıs 2007, cilt.4487, ss.1-2 Creative Commons License identifier identifier

A moving boundary wave run-up model

7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), Beijing, Çin, 27 - 30 Mayıs 2007, cilt.4487, ss.38-39 Creative Commons License identifier identifier

3D Modelling of Density Induced Coastal Currents

8th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Alexandria, Kanada, 13 - 17 Kasım 2007, ss.1253-1262 identifier identifier

’xxonlu Hacim Yöntemi ile Dalga İlerlemesinin Sayısal Modellenmesi

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları VI. Ulusal Konferansı, Muğla, Türkiye, 7 - 11 Kasım 2006, cilt.2, ss.759-766

Numerical modelling of coastal currents

ICCSA 2006: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Glasgow, İngiltere, 8 - 11 Mayıs 2006, cilt.3980 LNCS, ss.547-555 identifier

3-D numerical modelling of coastal currents and suspended sediment transport

ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference on Computational Science, Reading, İngiltere, 28 - 31 Mayıs 2006, cilt.3991 LNCS - I, ss.814-817 identifier

An Efficient Numerical Scheme to Simulate Wave Induced Circulation

7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 05), KUŞADASI, Türkiye, 25 - 29 Ekim 2005, cilt.2, ss.1215-1124

A Wave Propagation Model with Parabolic Equation

7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 05), 25 - 29 Ekim 2005, cilt.2, ss.1199-1206

Numerical Modelling of Wave Induced Circulation’xx’xx

the Advances in Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005 (ICCMSE 2005), CORINTH, Yunanistan, 21 - 26 Ekim 2005, cilt.4, ss.602-605

Three Dimensional Modelling of Turbulence’xx’xx

the Advances in Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005 (ICCMSE 2005), CORINTH, Yunanistan, 21 - 26 Ekim 2005, cilt.4, ss.48-51

Numerical modelling of wave induced circulation

International Conference on Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2005), Corinth, Yunanistan, 21 - 26 Ekim 2005, cilt.4A-4B, ss.602-605 identifier

Three dimensional modelling of turbulence

International Conference on Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2005), Corinth, Yunanistan, 21 - 26 Ekim 2005, cilt.4A-4B, ss.48-51 identifier

Economic analysis of ports by artificial intelligence

7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 2005, Kusadasi, Türkiye, 25 - 29 Ekim 2005, cilt.1, ss.187-194 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Uzun Dalga Tırmanmasının Benzeştirilmesi’

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları V. Ulusal Konferansı, Adana, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Mayıs 2004, ss.891-898

A Wave Propagation Model for Irregular Shaped Water Bodies

6th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 03), Ravenna, İtalya, 7 - 11 Ekim 2003, cilt.3, ss.1975-1982

Bir Dalga İlerlemesi Modeli ve Belceğiz Kıyı Alanına Uygulanması

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IV. Ulusal Konferansı, İzmir, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Kasım 2002, cilt.1, ss.1141-1150

Uzun Dalgaların Tırmanmasının Benzeştirilmesi

IV. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Antalya, Türkiye, 24 - 27 Ekim 2002, ss.121-132

Yumuşak Eğim Eşitliklerinin Sayısal Yöntemle Çözülmesi

Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği XVI. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi, Ankara, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Kasım 2001

Numerical Modelling of Mild Slope Equations

5th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 01), HAMMAMET, Tunus, 23 - 27 Ekim 2001, cilt.3, ss.1223-1234

Water Exchange at Göksu Lagoon

5th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 01), HAMMAMET, Tunus, 23 - 27 Ekim 2001, cilt.3, ss.1111-1120

Üç Boyutlu Taşınım Modellerinde Kullanılan Türbülans Modelleri

Türkiye’xxnin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları III. Ulusal Konferansı (Türkiye Kıyıları 01), İstanbul, Türkiye, 26 - 29 Haziran 2001, ss.537-545

Numerical modeling of refraction and diffraction

5th International Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions (CE 2001), RHODES, Yunanistan, 01 Eylül 2001, cilt.6, ss.185-194 identifier identifier

Three dimensional numerical modelling of the Marmaris Bay

10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2000), Washington, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 28 Mayıs - 02 Haziran 2000, ss.547-551 identifier identifier

Three dimensional modelling of transport processes in stratified coastal waters

3rd International Conference on Hydroinformatics, COPENHAGEN, Danimarka, 24 - 26 Ağustos 1998, ss.97-104 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Fully implicit finite difference model of two dimensional solute transport in groundwater

1996 IChemE Research Event - 2nd European Conference for Young Researchers in Chemical Engineering, Leeds, İngiltere, 2 - 03 Nisan 1996, ss.615-617 identifier



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