Academic Titles
2018 - Continues Professor
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik
2011 - 2018 Associate Professor
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik
2009 - 2011 Assistant Professor
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik
Managerial Experience
2023 - 2026 Head of Department
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik
2021 - 2023 Rectorate Commissioner
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik
2016 - 2018 Erasmus Program Institutional Coordinator
Gazi University, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü
2011 - 2014 Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
Gazi University, Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezleri, Fotonik Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
Non Academic Experience
2019 - 2020 Visiting Researcher
University of Ulm
2013 - 2013 Postdoc
University of Essex
2008 - 2009 Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı
Bilkent Üniversitesi Nanoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi
2007 - 2008 Bursiyer
University of Essex
Undergraduate Introduction to Nanotechnology
Undergraduate Research Project I
Doctorate Micro and Nanofabrication Methods
Doctorate Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors
Undergraduate Physics I
Undergraduate Physics II
Doctorate Micro and Nanofabrication Methods
Undergraduate Research Project II
Doctorate Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors
Undergraduate Physics I
Undergraduate Introduction to Nanotechnology
Undergraduate Physics II
Undergraduate Physics I
Undergraduate Physics I
Undergraduate Maddenin Özellikleri
Undergraduate Fizik
Undergraduate Physics Laboratory (Mechanics)
Undergraduate Physics I
Undergraduate Basic Computer Usage and Fortran Language
Undergraduate Physics II
Undergraduate Physics II
Advising Theses
Investıgatıon Of Structural And Optıcal Propertıes Of Zno And Mgzno Crystals Grown By Uscvd
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
RF magnetron sputter sistemi ile pasif devre elemanı rezistör üretimi ve karakterizasyonu
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
K.BERK(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
GaN tabanlı alan etkili transistörlerde SiC arka-yüzey geçiş deliği aşındırma uygulaması
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
M.TAHA(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
Back Sıde Vıa Hole Etchıng Applıcatıon Of Sıc For Gan Based Fıeld Effect Transıstors
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Electrıcal Characterıstıcs And Scatterıng Analysıs Of Ultrathın Barrıer Gan-Based Hıgh Electron Mobılıty Transıstors
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investıgatıons Of Low-Fıeld Transport And Hot-Electron Transport In Passıvated Algan/Gan Hemts Wıth Si3n4
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investıgatıon Of The Electronıc Propertıes Of Zn, Cd And Hg Doped Graphene Sheets Wıth Ab-Inıtıo Methods
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investigation of electronic and optical properties of wurtzite MgZnO with first principles calculations
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
R.IBRAHEM(Student), Postgraduate, 2018 -
Investıgatıon Of Electronıc And Optıcal Propertıes Of Wurtzıte Mgzno Wıth Fırst Prıncıples Calculatıons
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
The Investıgatıon Of The Effect Of Al, Ga, In And As Impurıtıes On Electronıc And Optıcal Propertıes Of Beta-Si3n4 Compound Wıth Densıty Functıonal Theory
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
GaN-temelli ultraince bariyerli yüksek elektron devingenlikli transistörlerinin benzetimi ve optimizasyonu
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
J.MOSTAFA(Student), Postgraduate, 2016 -
Electron And Magnetotransport Investıgatıon Of 2- Dimensional Electron Gas In Ultrathin Barrier Gan- Based Heterostructures
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Numerical investigation of the 2-dimensional carriers in ALQN/ALN/GAN-BASED (Q=GA, İN) transistors with multi-quantum well back-barriers
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investigation of electron transport properties AllnN/AlN/(InGaN)/GaN in multi-structures with InGaN quantum well
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investigation of electronic properties of pd-terminated graphene nanoribbons
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)
Investigation of magnetoconductivity and surface properties of exfoliated and epitaxially grown graphene samples
LİŞESİVDİN S. B. (Consultant)