Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Articles Published in Other Journals
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Fabrication of Multi-Layer 316L-TiC Composite by Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing

2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference on Machine Building and Energy: New Concepts and Technologies, MBENCT 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, 4 - 05 December 2023, vol.148, pp.41-46 identifier

Synthesis and mechanical properties of lanthanum oxide (La2O3)doped 8 mol % yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (8YSZ)

International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering(OMEE 2012), Lviv, Ukraine, 03 September 2012, pp.101-102


Symposium on Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials held during TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Florida, United States Of America, 11 - 15 March 2012, pp.269-276 identifier

Effect of Erbium Oxide (Er2O3) Amount on Phase Stability, Sintering and Microstructural Evolution of Cubic Zırconia (c-ZrO2)/Erbium Oxide (Er2O3)

Nano Composites, 3rd International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, Tehran, Iran, 2 - 03 November 2011, pp.1-7

Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) and Its Application to Grain Refinement of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy

4th International Symposium Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS), Indonesia, 23 - 25 September 2011, vol.1415 identifier identifier

Alaşımlarında Yaşlanmanın Aşınma Davranışı ve Elektrik İletkenliğine Etkisi

5. Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, Karabük, Turkey, 13 - 15 May 2009, pp.770-773 Sustainable Development

SiO2/YSZ (Yitria ile Kararlı Hale Getirilmiş Zirkonya) Seramik Malzemelerin Empedans Spektroskopisi

Uluslararası Katılımlı VII. Seramik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 26 - 28 November 2008, pp.482-491

Al2O3 Katkılı Kübik Zirkonyada (8YSZ) Elektriksel İletkenlik ve Mikroyapı İlişkisi

12. Uluslararası Malzeme Sempozyumu, Denizli, Turkey, 15 - 17 October 2008, pp.81-87

Microstructural, Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Alumina-Doped Yttria-Stabilized Cubic Zirconia Ceramics Used as a Solid Electrolyte in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

ICMAT 2007- International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, Singapore, 1 - 06 July 2007, pp.57-63

Microstructure and Wear Properties of Alumina Reinforced Aluminium Composites Produced by Mechanical Alloying Method

IMMEA - 2007 International Meeting on Materials for Electronic Applications, Marrakush, Morocco, 30 April - 02 May 2007, pp.145-148

Microstructure-Property Relationship of c-ZrO2/SiO2 Composites with Various Amounts of SiO2 Additions

International Confereneces on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, New Delhi, India, 20 - 23 February 2007, pp.534-540

Indentation fracture toughness and hardness of solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte material

4th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), Chengdu, China, 23 - 26 October 2005, pp.2418-2419 identifier identifier

Effect of repeated quenching heat treatment on microstructure and dry sliding wear behavior of low carbon PM steel

Power Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition 2006, Busan, South Korea, 24 - 28 September 2006, pp.673-674 identifier identifier

Processing of zinc-based MgAl2O4 composite and effect of fly ash addition

4th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), Chengdu, China, 23 - 26 October 2005, pp.1203-1206 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Synthesis of MgB2 from anhydrous B2O3 by ball milling method and determination of superconductivity properties

4th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), Chengdu, China, 23 - 26 October 2005, pp.723-724 identifier identifier

Influence of tempering temperature and microstructure on wear properties of low alloy PM steel with 1-2% Ni addition

Power Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition 2006, Busan, South Korea, 24 - 28 September 2006, pp.629-630 identifier identifier

Manufacturing of polymer matrix composite material using marble dust and fly ash

4th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-4), Chengdu, China, 23 - 26 October 2005, pp.1353-1356 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

A Study on Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Sintered 3Si-2Ni and 3Si-2Mn PM Steels with Various Graphite Content

The 7th International Conference of The Egyption Society of Tribology, Cairo, Egypt, 27 - 28 December 2006, pp.21-28

Effect of TiO2 Addition on Phase Stability and Electrical Conductivity of Nano-Structured Cubic Zirconia Used as an Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

210th ECS (Electrochemical Society) Meeting, ECS Transaction 3 (9) 2006, Cancun, Mexico, 29 September - 03 October 2006, pp.189-196

Densification and Grain Growth Behaviour of Various Amounts of SiO2 Doped 8YSCZ/SiO2 Composites

International Composites Conference, Developments in Composites: Advanced, Infastructural, Natural and Nano-Composites, Sydney, Australia, 11 - 14 July 2006, pp.121-128

Effect of Ni Content on Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Sintered Low Carbon PM steel

1st International Conference on Manufacturing and Material Processing, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 - 16 March 2006, pp.317-320

The factors affecting colloidal processing of 8YSCZ ceramics

3rd China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-3), 9 - 12 May 2004

Strengthening and Toughening of c-ZrO2/TiO2 Nano Composites Used as an Electrolyte Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)

The Twelfth Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering, Tenerife, Spain, 1 - 06 August 2005, pp.96-101

Production of Urea-Formaldehyde Based Composite Particleboard from Apricot Shell with Fly Ash Addition as a Flame Retardant

The Twelfth Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering, Tenerife, Spain, 1 - 06 August 2005, pp.165-172

Wear Behaviour of Powder Metallurgy Processed Dual Phase Composite Steels

The Twelfth Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering, Tenerife, Spain, 1 - 06 August 2005, pp.102-108

Ara Kritik Tavlama Isıl İşlemi Uygulanmış Fe Esaslı TM Çeliklerde Nikel’in Mikroyapıya Etkisi

4. Uluslararası Toz Metalurjisi Konferansı, Sakarya, Turkey, 18 - 22 May 2005, pp.1122-1129

Mekanik Alaşımlandırılmış Fe-%0.4 Grafitin Mikroyapı Karakterizasyonu

4. Uluslararası Toz Metalurjisi Konferansı, Sakarya, Turkey, 18 - 22 May 2005, pp.447-455

Recycling of Scrap Vehicle Tyre as Elastic Surface Material

The First Jordanian International Conference of Materials Science and Engineering, As-Salt, Jordan, 3 - 05 May 2005, pp.39-44

Effect of different heat treatments on microstructure of Ni added steels produced by P/M method

European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 - 05 October 2005, vol.1, pp.175-180 identifier

Effect of Grain Size on Cavity Formation During Superplastic Deformation in 3 Mol% Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Polycrystal

International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Madrid, Spain, 13 - 16 September 2001, pp.1901-1906

Effect of Y2O3 Content on Sinterebility and Grain Growth in Zirconia-Based Ceramics

Second International Conference on Powder Metallurgy RoPM' 2000, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 6 - 08 July 2000, vol.1, pp.61-65

Effect of Processing Parameters and Milling Time on Slip Casting and Densification of ZrO2 Al2O3 Composites

Second International Conference on Powder MEtallurgy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 6 - 08 July 2000, vol.1, pp.55-60

Çelik ve Gri Dökme Demirde Seramik Filtre Kullanarak Kalıntı Filtrasyonunun Yorulma Özelliğine Etkisi

10. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 28 May 2000, pp.1179-1184

Investigation of Bonding and Bending Strength of TZP/Al2O3 Composites Diffusion Bonded with Similar or Dissimilar Materials

10. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 28 May 2000, pp.1863-1866

Bilyalı Dövme işleminin SAE 9245 ve 9260 Çeliklerinin Yorulma Mukavemetine Etkisi

10. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 28 May 2000, pp.1195-1200

Alüminanın Düşük Sıcaklık Sinterlemesi

Uluslararası Katılımlı 2. Toz Metalurjisi Konferansı, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 September 1999, pp.489-492

Developments of Ceramic Net-Shape Forming Methods

Uluslararası Katılımlı 2. Toz Metalurjisi Konferansı, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 September 1999, pp.121-125

Applications of ceramic superplasticity

IV. SERAMIK KONGRESI, Eskişehir, Turkey, 22 - 25 September 1998, pp.375-379

Effect of Temperature Change on Superplastic Ductility of 3 Mol% yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (3Y-TZP)

MATEHN 98, Romanian Second International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Bucuresti, Romania, 10 - 13 September 1998, pp.325-330

Effect of Initial Density on Superplastic Deformation of ZrO2-Based Ceramics

MATEHN 98, Romanian Second International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Bucuresti, Romania, 10 - 13 September 1998, pp.331-336

Superplastic Behaviour of Yttria-Stabilized ZrO2 Ceramics

With International Participation 13th National Electron Microscopy Congress , Ankara, Turkey, 1 - 04 September 1997, pp.544-555



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